Me, My Intimate Partner, and HIV: Fijian Self-assessments of Transmission Risks

Publications - Released in 2011

This report is designed to strengthen Fiji’s response to HIV and AIDS. The aim of our study was to provide useful data about how Fijians think of and manage their risks of sexual transmission of HIV. We used multiple research methods and instruments to investigate the cultural, cognitive, and behavioral factors that shape HIV and STI transmission risks in Fiji. For the sake of brevity, we did not include here research protocols and instruments, letters of introduction and research clearance, statements of informed consent, and the like, but they can be obtained upon request to UNDP.

Fijians currently face a terrible dilemma without benefit of critical, open discussion of the individual and public health consequences of sexual ethics. Fijians can avoid infections by having sex that is better protected (by condoms), and perhaps even with a larger number of persons, with consent, communication, and mutuality of pleasure, or they can adhere to cultural and religious rules to have sex only with a legal spouse of the opposite sex but without condoms.


  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)