People Living with HIV Stigma Index 2010: Cambodia

Publications - Released in 2010

Stigma and discrimination surrounding HIV/AIDS pose critical barriers to prevention, treatment, care and support programs. There is currently little reliable data or documentation relating to stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV (PLHIV) in Cambodia.

The study was carried out in five selected provinces where a total number of 394 PLHIV were interviewed, 71% of whom are females and 29% of whom are males. About 80% of respondents were aged 30-49 years. The gender and age profiles of respondents maybe reflective of the large proportion of respondents who belonged to self-help groups and not of the PLHIV population in general. There was a low level of schooling (75% received either no schooling or primary schooling only) and >70% of respondents were working as farmers or sellers. The study methodology included a quantitative method based on the global HIV Stigma Index questionnaire and a qualitative method which involved focus group discussions and key informant interviews.



  • Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
  • Khana