Publications on Prisoners

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The main focus of the handbook is female prisoners1 and guidance on the components of a gender-sensitive approach to prison management, taking into account the typical background of female prisoners and their special needs as women in prison.

Resource | Fact Sheets,

Women in prison are vulnerable to gender-based sexual violence; they may engage in risky behaviours and practices such as unsafe tattooing, injecting drug use, and, are more susceptible to self-harm.

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The assessment provides a review of existing legislation, in terms of their provisions for non-custodial measures and sanctions, with particular focus on the provisions for offenders with mental healthcare needs, drug users, women, juveniles and first time non-violent offenders.
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The aim of this review was to gather information relating to HIV prevention, care and treatment in prisons in the WHO South-East Asia Region. Countries selected for inclusion in the review were India, Indonesia, Nepal and Thailand.
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The handbook has been written for criminal justice officials, non-governmental organizations, and members of the community who are working to reduce over-reliance on imprisonment; to improve the delivery of justice, including rehabilitation and reintegration; and to integrate international human rights-based standards and norms into local policies and practices.