Publications on Female Sex Workers (FSW)

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Bhutan is considered a low HIV prevalence country, with an estimated prevalence of 0.2% among adults aged 15-49 as of 2009; there are an estimated fewer than 1,000 [<1,000-1,500] adults and children currently living with HIV in the country.
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HIV was first detected in 1991 during serological screening of donated blood. Cambodia appears to be experiencing relative success in the fight against HIV. After peaking at approximately 3.3% in 1997-98, HIV prevalence among the adult population aged 15-49 years declined to 1.2% [0.85 - 1.6%] in 2001 and more recently estimated to be 0.5% [0.4-0.8%] in 2009.
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This paper aims to understand the linkages between violence and the reproductive health and HIV risks among a group of mobile FSWs in India.
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This report presents the data and key findings emerging through the mapping and size estimation exercise of the female sex workers (FSWs).
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This document summarizes that HIV prevalence is scarce, given the current state of rebuild of Afghanistan's health system. UNAIDS has eliminated that, as of 2008, HIV prevalence among the general population is below 0.5%.
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From June 2009 to February 2010, Vietnam’s second round of integrated HIV/STI biological and behavioral surveillance (IBBS) was conducted among select population groups.
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This report is designed to strengthen Fiji’s response to HIV and AIDS. The aim of our study was to provide useful data about how Fijians think of and manage their risks of sexual transmission of HIV.
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On 1 February 2010, the Crimes Decree 2009 (Decree No. 44) of the Republic of Fiji Islands took effect. A report on sex work and HIV prevention in Fiji had very recently been released. UNAIDS Pacific funded the authors of that report to conduct follow-up research investigating any impacts of the new Decree on sex work and related HIV prevention activities. Thus, the original study was extended to encompass and take account of a changed legal environment. This report is the result.
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Askim na Save (Ask and Understand): People who sell and exchange sex in Port Moresby is a comprehensive bio-behavioural study of sex work in Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea.
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The findings in this report are in general very encouraging as it shows that the overall prevalence of HIV in populations most at risk remains below 1% and most importantly, HIV prevalence has declined among people who inject drugs in Dhaka from 7% to 5.3%. Moreover, hepatitis C has also decline which is a marker for unsafe injecting practices