Asia 2017 Regional Operational Plan Strategic Direction Summary

Publications - Released in 2017

The goal of the PEPFAR Asia Regional Program (ARP) is to catalyze broad, sustained epidemic control by demonstrating effective approaches to reach, test, treat, and retain men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender (TG) women and other key populations in settings with the greatest burden of HIV in China, Laos, and Thailand. To achieve this goal, the ARP works with civil society and government partners to pilot and evaluate innovative interventions and sustainably scale-up effective interventions; supports the establishment of domestic financing mechanisms for non-governmental organizations (NGOs); and works with host governments to systematize the role of NGOs in the health system. The ARP also provides technical assistance and facilitates knowledge sharing to countries in the region and beyond.



  • United States President′s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)