Bangladesh: Demographic and Health Survey 2011

Publications - Released in 2013

This report summarizes the findings of 2011 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Surveys (BDHS) conducted under the authority of the National Institute of Population Research and Training (NIPORT) of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and implemented by Mitra and Associates of Dhaka. ICF International provided financial and technical assistance for the survey through USAID/Bangladesh. The BDHS is part of the worldwide Demographic and Health Surveys program, which is designed to collect data on fertility, family planning, and maternal and child health.

The preliminary results of the 2011 BDHS, with its key indicators, were released through a dissemination seminar in April 2012. This final report brings more comprehensive analysis of the survey results. Along with the key results, detailed findings and possible interpretations are presented. 



  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID)