Best Practices in Engagement of All Health Care Providers in the Management of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis

Publications - Released in 2015

This publication documents best practices in engagement of health-care providers in the management of drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB). The aim is to share experiences and approaches that are being implemented in countries and by various health-care providers and partners. Some of the case studies in this document are also presented in the WHO’s Framework for engagement of all health-care providers in the management of drug-resistant tuberculosis. In the current document, case studies are presented by approach, for easier reference by readers who are interested in examples and experiences around the globe in implementation of public–private mix for DR-TB (PPM DR-TB).

The WHO/Global TB Programme (GTB) team continues to document best practices for sharing in the public domain via the WHO/GTB website. National TB programmes and partners are encouraged to share their case studies with others via the website.


  • World Health Organization (WHO)