Publications - Released in 2010
The BROS Khmer (Behavioral Risks On-Site Serosurvey of At-Risk Urban Khmer Men) study was designed to collect integrated HIV serostatus and behavioral risk information among Cambodian men frequenting ‘hot spots’ (i.e., entertainment venues) or MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) with a mobile bus.
The behavioral data of 3,007 men (1,026 of which reported having had sex with a man) have shown that not only do differences exist between MSM and MSW (Men who have Sex with Women), but there are also significant differences in HIV-risky activities between MSMW (Men who have Sex with Men and Women) and MSMO (Men who have Sex with Men Only).
- Ministry of Health - Cambodia
- National Center for HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STD (NCHADS) - Cambodia