The Case for Increased and More Strategic Investment in HIV in Indonesia

Publications - Released in 2015

This analysis was done to estimate the required investments in the future to respond to HIV and AIDS in a cost-effective and optimal manner.

The result of the Investment Case Analysis (ICA) has been reviewed by all stakeholders involved in the national technical team which comprised the Ministry of Health, the National AIDS Commission, and development partners like DFAT, WHO and UNAIDS. The results of this review are based on an analysis of the best and most current data available as of September 2014 in terms of HIV epidemic data, the 2013 IBBS for category B districts, the 2013 Papua IBBS, and revised 2014 unit cost for treatment. Analysis obtained from the study results has also guided the selection of the optimal scenario for the National HIV and AIDS Strategy and Action Plan 2015-2019 and informed the preparation of Indonesia’s Global Fund New Funding Model Concept note in 2015.


  • National AIDS Commission (KPA)
  • Ministry of Health - Indonesia