Commitment to Compassion and Care: HIV/AIDS Policy of the Catholic Church in India

Publications - Released in 2005

One of the most alarming concerns about HIV/AIDS in India is the rate of the increase in the number of infected persons across the country. The first case was detected in India in 1986. By the end of 2003, less than twenty years later, the total number of persons living with HIV/AIDS was 5.1 million! The estimates from 1994 till 2000 show that the incidence has been doubled. Every year since 2000, five lakhs reported cases have been added, which may be just the tip of the iceberg. The financial burden, social constraints, and above all the personal and psychological pain and strain of those infected and affected experience are immense.

The entire Church has to continue to intensify its work and to join hands with like minded groups, to fight this disease, to curb its further spread, and to be with our sisters and brothers who are infected and affected. That is why we have developed this policy on HIV/AIDS for the Church in India. This Policy is our 'commitment to compassion and care'.
