Data for Action for Tuberculosis Key, Vulnerable and Underserved Populations - Working Document

Publications - Released in 2017

This document is an action framework designed for countries to plan tuberculosis (TB) services for groups within their populations that are more vulnerable, underserved or at higher risk of infection and illness related to TB. These groups are referred to as key populations in the Stop TB Partnership Global Plan to END TB. They are key because addressing TB issues they face is critical to the overall goal of ending the epidemic for the entire population. Key populations vary by country and include people with increased exposure to TB due to where they live or work, people with limited access to quality TB services, and people at greater risk due to biological or behavioural factors.

The Global Plan to END TB calls for a paradigm shift, including how TB services are organized, managed and funded, moving:

  • From passive to active case finding with strong engagement of civil society including key
  • population-led networks and organizations
  • From vertical to integrated service delivery systems
  • From small incremental to accelerated substantial financial investments



  • Stop TB Partnership