East Asian Regional Response to HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria

Publications - Released in 2005

This report contains the proceedings of a June 30, 2005, conference on the "East Asian Regional Response to HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria," organized to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the Kyushu-Okinawa G8 Summit.

It is widely recognized that HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases are among the world’s most urgent human security challenges, threatening the survival and livelihood of individuals and communities around the globe, particularly in developing countries. As many speakers emphasized, these diseases are increasingly regarded as threats to human security, and as a result they closely intersect with other threats such as poverty, hunger, in- equality, and violence, requiring a multifaceted and multisectoral response. In her talk, Dr. Kamarulzaman added several other socioeconomic factors that affect the region’s response to the spread of HIV/AIDS, such as vary- ing levels of literacy, rural to urban migration, and trafficking of women and children.
