Estimations and Projections of HIV/AIDS at Sub-national Level in Cambodia, 2016-2020

Publications - Released in 2016

As a result of the declining epidemic in Cambodia and evolving responses, over the last two years national stakeholders have started conducting epidemiological and programmatic analysis at the sub-national level. Therefore, the programme needs province specific estimation and projections to guide programme implementation and track the response at decentralized level as it moves towards national elimination targets. This has generated a strong demand for conducting a new round of HIV/AIDS estimation and projection for the period 2016 to 2020 and beyond and for the first time also producing sub-national level PLHIV estimates.

The main methodology adopted for the estimation and projection included review of all relevant latest data produced through surveys/surveillance, research, programmes and projects to be used with the updated versions of AEM and spectrum, and developed consensus to use informed assumptions in the case of data gaps.



  • National Center for HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STD (NCHADS) - Cambodia