Fiji Islands Global AIDS Response Progress Report 2016

Publications - Released in 2016

This country report will enable readers to learn of the collective successes that Fiji has experienced with the HIV response particularly in 2015. Even though progress has been achieved globally, regionally and locally in stemming the tide of the HIV transmission and AIDS related death, there is still a need to multiply our investment and commitment to ensure that our response is sustained producing tangible results and it also has a high impact.

In certain parts of the world, the end of HIV is already in sight. Fiji continues to strengthen its response with the World AIDS Day *WAD+ theme “AIDS WILL LOSE”, which has been in place for the past 2 years following the endorsement of the theme by the HIV/AIDS Board. The theme certainly reminds us that there is no room for complacency and this is not a time to decelerate our efforts. Let us continue to strengthen our bond and our bid to accelerate progress towards an AIDS-free generation.


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  • Ministry of Health - Fiji