Framework for the Engagement of all Health Care Providers in the Management of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis

Publications - Released in 2015

The Framework for engagement of all health-care providers in the management of drug-resistant tuberculosis has been developed to support countries in the implementation of public–private mix (PPM) for drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB). This document complements other guidance and practical tools on PPM for TB control and prevention. It serves as a guidance document for countries in engaging providers and partners from outside the national TB programmes (NTPs) to address the complexity of the programmatic management of DR-TB.

The framework describes approaches for engaging different health-care providers and partners in diverse aspects of DR-TB care and management, including clinical care, public health tasks, patient-centred care, advocacy, funding mobilization, regulation and social protection. It describes the engagement of non-NTP providers and partners, which is not limited to diagnosis and treatment, but also includes other important aspects of DR-TB care, depending on the capacity and preference of the non-NTP providers and partners.


  • World Health Organization (WHO)