Get on the Fast-Track: The Life-cycle Approach to HIV

Publications - Released in 2016

The scope of HIV prevention and treatment options has never been wider than it is today. The world now has the scientific knowledge and experience to reach people with HIV options tailored to their lives in the communities in which they live. This life-cycle approach to HIV ensures that we find the best solutions for people throughout their lifetime.

In this report, UNAIDS is announcing that 18.2 million people now have access to HIV treatment. The Fast-Track response is working. Increasing treatment coverage is reducing AIDS-related deaths among adults and children. But the life-cycle approach has to include more than just treatment. Tuberculosis (TB) remains among the commonest causes of illness and death among people living with HIV of all ages, causing about one third of AIDSrelated deaths in 2015. These deaths could and should have been prevented.



  • Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)