Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV Positive Adults and Adolescents in Pakistan

Publications - Released in 2005

Successful treatment of HIV/AIDS depends on strict adherence by HIV positive patients in taking their medications as instructed and for health care providers to recommend antiretroviral treatment (ART) based on rigorous scientific evidence. The devastating consequences of incorrect or partial HIV treatment are premature death, increased morbidity, development of drug resistant HIV strains, and lack of further treatment options.

The main purpose of these guidelines is to assist health care providers in determining the optimal ART regimen for their HIV positive patients and to provide recommendations for standardized quality of care. We hope that compliance with the guidelines will reduce the risk of treatment failures, prevent ART resistance and in the long term enable Pakistan to successfully contain the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

It is crucial to for health care providers and patients to understand that treatment and care of HIV is an evolving science. While these guidelines contain the latest recommended ART practices, they are a living document. The National AIDS Control Program would like to emphasize that these guidelines will be regularly revised and updated to incorporate new information and best practices.



  • National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) - Pakistan