Harnessing the Power of Data for Girls: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead to 2030

Publications - Released in 2016

Data tell us that the lives of girls today are better in many respects than those of preceding generations. Girls are now more likely to survive childhood, more likely to attend school and complete their education, less likely to be undernourished and less likely to marry as children. Yet girls still suffer significant deprivations and inequalities, many of which result from the persistent gender discrimination faced by girls and women everywhere. And for many girls, further disadvantage based on disability, location, race, ethnicity or migration status compounds the challenges of building a fulfilling future.

Achieving the SDGs will not be possible without reaching all girls, starting with the most disadvantaged.

Sustainable change for girls and progress towards achieving the SDGs will require investments from governments, donors and development organizations. This includes prioritizing infrastructure, goods and services that address girls’ vulnerabilities and remove barriers to their empowerment. But it will also require engagement from communities, social networks, families and girls themselves.



  • United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)