HIV/AIDS & Mobility in South-East Asia: Rapid Assessment

Publications - Released in 2008

In South-East Asia, mobility is a growing phenomenon and a major concern due to the high vulnerability to HIV of mobile populations. The dynamics of population movement have evolved in South-East Asia over the last decade, and are in a phase of acceleration due to multiple factors including geopolitical and socio-economic changes, infrastructure development and closer cooperation among ASEAN Member Countries. Whether mobility is internal or cross-border, whether it is voluntary or forced, this increasing population movement generates particular conditions and circumstances that render migrants vulnerable and at risk of HIV infection.

This document presents the key findings and recommendations of a rapid assessment conducted on HIV and mobility issues in the 10 ASEAN Member Countries in 2007-2008. It includes the migration patterns and HIV situation across the region, and the challenges and opportunities facing South-East Asian countries as they work together to develop a comprehensive response to HIV for migrant and mobile populations.



  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • United Nations Regional Task Force on Injecting Drug Use and HIV/AIDS for Asia and the Pacific (UNRTF)