HIV/AIDS Programme Highlights 2008-09

Publications - Released in 2010

Universal Access is more than a time-limited aspiration that expires in 2010. It is—and will remain—a unifying principle for the HIV response. Achieving and sustaining Universal Access will be pivotal to progress towards the full array of Millennium Development Goals, including Goal 6, which calls for the world to halt and begin to reverse the HIV epidemic by 2015.

A sustained response to HIV requires the engagement of all sectors of society.

This report highlights WHO's contributions towards Universal Access in 2008 and 2009. It describes how WHO works and identifies specific achievements in each of the five strategic areas. While the organization's contributions to the HIV response draw upon the initiatives and expertise of WHO's six regional and 140 country offices, as well as roughly 30 different departments within WHO Headquarters, this report focuses particular attention on achievements of the HIV/AIDS Department in the 2008–09 biennium.


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  • World Health Organization (WHO)