An HIV Epidemic is Ready to Emerge in the Philippines

Reviews and Snapshots - Released in 2010

Southeast Asia is experiencing numerous and diverse HIV epidemics that are evolving at varying rates, in different population groups, and in different geographical areas. Approximately 5 to 10 million people are living with HIV in Asia, with prevalence estimates of well over 1% among adults in numerous countries. Yet there are some settings in which HIV prevalence has remained relatively very low. The Philippines is one of the exceptional countries that has not faced a large HIV epidemic. It is important to understand the reasons for the disparate nature of HIV in this country in order to ascertain whether lessons can be learnt for effective control in other settings and to ensure that a large HIV epidemic does not emerge in the Philippines. 

The state of the HIV epidemic in the Philippines has been described as "low and slow", which is in stark
contrast to many other countries in the region. A review of the conditions for HIV spread in the Philippines is necessary.
