National Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveillance 2014-15: High Risk Groups

Publications - Released in 2015

National IBBS, first nationwide community based bio-behavioural surveillance among HRG and bridge population, collected information on many key parameters of programmatic importance. It included Knowledge indicators related to HIV prevention, STI, Condom, HIV/AIDS services, risk profile and practices, HIV testing, stigma and discrimination as well as exposure to HIV/AIDS services and community mobilization. Tools were translated into 16 languages, and data collection was done using computer-aided interviewing technique. Fieldwork was monitored by eight reputed government public health institutes. Blood specimens collected during National IBBS were tested for HIV at 17 states- of-the-art DBS laboratories. This report aims to provide a descriptive analysis on a comprehensive set of indicators for core groups FSW, MSM, and IDU. The report provides state wise behavioural estimates while HIV prevalence estimates have been provided for a state or a group of states.


  • Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) - India
  • National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO)