Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance Survey among People Who Inject Drugs in Eastern Terai Highway Districts, Nepal: Round VI – 2015

Publications - Released in 2015

This is the sixth round of the IBBS study conducted among PWIDs in Eastern Terai Highway Districts. This survey is a part of the National HIV Surveillance Plan (2012) and National HIV and AIDS Strategy (2011-2016). In line with the objectives of the previous rounds of the IBBS, the sixth round of the survey was also undertaken primarily to determine the prevalence of HIV and STIs, assess HIV and STI related risk behaviours, drug injecting behaviours, the level of awareness about HIV/STIs, as well as their exposure to intervention programs among PWIDs in Eastern Terai Highway Districts. Moreover, this survey examined the prevalence of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C among PWIDs for the first time.


  • Ministry of Health - Nepal
  • National Centre for AIDS and STD Control (NCASC) - Nepal