Bangladesh HIV Surveillance 5th Round: HIV in Bangladesh - The Present Scenario 2004

Publications - Released in 2004

The HIV epidemic in Bangladesh, from an epidemiological perspective, is evolving rapidly. While still a low prevalence country for overall HIV rates, a small pocket of IDU under second generation surveillance has shown an HIV prevalence increased from 1.4% to 4% to 8.9% (in one locality) in the past three years. Simultaneously recent Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) data indicate an increase in risk behaviors such as sharing of injecting equipment and a decline in consistent condom use in sexual encounters between IDUs and female sex workers. BSS data also indicate that the IDU population is well integrated into the surrounding urban community, socially and sexually, thus raising grave concern about the spread of HIV infection.


  • International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research (ICDDR) - Bangladesh