The ILGA-RIWI 2016 Global Attitudes Survey on LGBTI People in Partnership with Logo

Publications - Released in 2016

On 17 May 2016, ILGA launched the ILGA-RIWI 2016 Global Attitudes Survey on LGBTI People in partnership with Logo. To our knowledge, it is the first global survey, and certainly the first longitudinal instrument, to ascertain public attitudes to LGBTI people.

This brochure begins by taking a wide-angle view on some global and regional results. The data returns that came to ILGA were disaggregated by sexual orientation, geography, gender identity (male/female/other), sex characteristic status, and age. There were 31 survey questions, 26 of which were substantively probing attitudes to LGBTI people and issues, five related to respondent profile. We touch on eight of them here, and only three in any detail.



  • International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA)