Indonesia: Summary Country Profile for HIV/AIDS Treatment Scale up

Publications - Released in 2005

Indonesia's health system is highly decentralized; provincial and district health services have significant autonomy to determine policies, priorities and financing. However, the major source for the national budget for HIV/AIDS is the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, through which activities in 17 provinces are supported. In 1994, the National AIDS Commission was established as a secretariat to coordinate the multisectoral approach. Provincial AIDS commissions have been established in every province, headed by the vice-governor. Local initiatives for antiretroviral therapy have been launched throughout  Indonesia, under the commitment of local authorities and of physicians taking care of people living with HIV/AIDS. The National HIV/AIDS Strategy for 2003–2007 identifies the following programme priorities – HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment and support for people living with HIV/AIDS, surveillance, operational research, multisectoral coordination and a sustainable response.



  • World Health Organization (WHO)