From Invisibility to Influence: The Evolution of Participation of People who Use Drugs in the Global Fund

Publications - Released in 2021

This case study will share the evolution of the participation of people who use drugs in the Global Fund and its national processes. It tells a story of the challenges drug user-led networks face nationally to participate meaningfully in Global Fund proposal development and decision-making. It highlights the progress that has been made with support from the Community, Rights and Gender (CRG) Strategic Initiative (SI). It also showcases the progress, impact and outcomes of people who use drugs participating in the Global Fund, showing the value and effectiveness of both national drug user-led organizations and the key role of the global network in facilitating successful engagement in Global Fund processes. Ultimately, it shows how with the right support, those often left behind can move from invisibility to influence.


 Publication(1.12 MB)


  • International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD)