Mapping Cambodia's Response to HIV/AIDS

Publications - Released in 2005

Since the first HIV and AIDS cases in the country were identified in 1991 and 1994 respectively, steps to curb the spread of HIV/AIDS have been immediate. Government ministries, primarily the Ministry of Health (MoH) and several Non-Government Organisations (NGOs), initiated programs and projects to raise awareness and educate various population groups. Several structural changes took place to expand the scope of the response. Specifically, the National AIDS Program of the Ministry of Health was reconstituted and expanded into the National Centre for HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STDs, and a National AIDS Authority was created with a mandate for ensuring that the response expanded beyond the health sector to a multi-sectoral approach. This approach was reflected in the first National Strategic Plan for a Comprehensive and Multisectoral Response to HIV/AIDS.

The current plan runs through the end of 2005 and has been reviewed as part of the process of developing the draft plan for the period 2006-2010. To guide programme planners and donors in implementing the new plan, an inventory of the HIV/AIDS response under the term of the previous plan was undertaken.
