Ministry of Health, Maldives: National Reproductive Health Strategy 2014-2018

Publications - Released in 2014

Reproductive health is fundamental to individuals, families and the social and economic development of communities and the nation.

The goal of this strategy is to develop the health sector to improve the health of the people of Maldives, especially women and children. This document provides a template to develop specific plans and to make funding decisions. It also emphasizes that ensuring the health of women and children involves a cross-sectoral approach whereby Ministry of Health must work with sectors outside of Reproductive health.

All interventions for Reproductive health should be made available with the highest standard of quality and safety, and services should be delivered according to evidence-based best practices. Addressing needs and community views, particularly those of women, on the quality of service provision is key to ensuring improved quality and increased access and utilization at all levels. Involvement of communities can improve acceptance to health services.



  • Ministry of Health - Maldives