National AIDS Control Organization (NACO): Annual Report 2008-2009

Publications - Released in 2009

India had an estimated 1.8 – 2.9 million HIV positive persons in 2007, with an estimated adult HIV prevalence of 0.34% (0.25%–0.43%). As the HIV Prevalence among the high risk groups (HRG) is very high compared to that among the general population, India continues to be in the category of concentrated epidemic. The sexual mode continues to be the major mode of transmission, though transmission through injecting drug use and Men having Sex with Men are on the rise in many new pockets. The annual HIV sentinel surveillance covered 1,215 sites in 2008-09.

The National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) Phase-III (2007-2012) has the overall goal of halting and reversing the epidemic in India over the five-year period. It places the highest priority on preventive efforts while, at the same time, seeking to integrate prevention with care, support and treatment.



  • National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO)