Nepal: Demographic and Health Survey 2006

Publications - Released in 2007

The 2006 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) is the seventh in a series of demographic surveys conducted in the country and is the third survey conducted as part of the worldwide Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) program.

The 2006 NDHS includes topics related to fertility levels and determinants, family planning, fertility preferences, infant, child, adult and maternal mortality, maternal and child health, nutrition,
knowledge of HIV/AIDS and women’s empowerment. The 2006 NDHS for the first time also includes anemia testing among women age 15-49 and children age 6-59 months. As well as providing national estimates, the survey also provides disaggregated data at the level of various domains such as ecological region, development region, as well as for urban and rural areas. This being the third survey of its kind, there is considerable trend information on reproductive and health care over the past 10 years.



  • Ministry of Health - Nepal
  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID)