The Personal and the Political: Attitudes to LGBTI People Around the World

Publications - Released in 2016

In this report, ILGA presents data on two sets of attitudes that the survey reveals – firstly, how respondents respond at a personal level to encountering LGBTI people or issues, and secondly the more ideological or political attitudes they may hold. The first set of questions cover issues such as do you know someone LGBT, how would you feel about a LGBT neighbor, or if your child presented LGBT, while the second set of questions tend to start with ‘should’: should same sex marriage be legal, should human right be for everyone, regardless of SOGI. This survey shows how in various cases there are contradictory attitudes in the personal and the political, and of course, this varies widely at country levels.



  • International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA)