Process Guide for Identifying Issues and Fostering Dialogue to Align Public Financial Management and Health Financing Systems

Guidelines - Released in 2017

This guide lays out an illustrative process for health and finance authorities to engage in productive dialogue, assess the current situation in terms of how aligned the public financial management (PFM) system and health financing system are, and work towards a joint policy roadmap to improve alignment. It builds on a previous document “Aligning public financial management and health financing: sustaining progress toward universal health coverage,” which considers how PFM and health financing systems can be better aligned in support of UHC, and provides a framework to examine common challenges, as well as offering strategies to address them. This guide can serve as an entry point for that dialogue, and can facilitate a structured approach for health, finance and other stakeholders to discuss underlying issues before implementing system changes that might affect the PFM and health financing system.


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  • World Health Organization (WHO)