Progressing the Sustainable Development Goals through Health in All Policies: Case Studies from Around the World

Publications - Released in 2017

This book, arising from the Adelaide conference, is intended for the international Health in All Policies (HiAP) community – including people who are already practising HiAP and aim to sustain it, helping those who are thinking about doing HiAP to progress, and helping others to start planning HiAP.

The case studies in this book highlight the diversity of applications of HiAP and its multiple processes, dimensions and outcomes in different countries and regions and political systems. It includes experiences of HiAP at the city level, such as in Quito, Ecuador, at the regional/state level such as in California and the national level, for example in China. While there are many different versions of and contexts for HiAP, there are also some shared lessons across countries and regions.



  • World Health Organization (WHO)