Project Performance Assessment Report Indonesia: Indonesia HIV/AIDS and STDs Prevention and Management Project

Publications - Released in 2005

The HIV/AIDS and STDs Prevention and Management Project (HSPMP) aimed to use intensive pilot efforts to achieve two objectives: (a) develop HIV/AIDS and STD institutional mechanisms at the national and provincial levels; and (b) develop interventions capable of reducing transmission of HIV and STDs. The total Project cost of $35.2 million was to be financed with an IBRD loan of $24.8 million and government counterpart funding for the remaining $10.4 million.

The HSPMP represented an effort to address the world-wide AIDS pandemic in Indonesia in the pre-epidemic stage of the disease. Prior to project preparation, in the early-mid 1990s, attention of policy makers in Indonesia and the Bank was gained for early intervention with commercial sex workers through epidemiological projections showing that, with no change in preventive efforts, Indonesia would have 500,000 sexually transmitted HIV infections within four years. These scenarios turned out to be quite inaccurate. Sexually transmitted HIV remains even today at a low level in Indonesia, while HIV transmission associated with drug use has grown rapidly.



  • World Bank