Regional Agenda on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the Western Pacific

Publications - Released in 2017

Member States achieved significant successes with the MDGs, but the gains did not equitably benefit all groups in society. The gains under the MDGs were realized in a large part due to programmatic approaches focused on specific disease and health issues.

This Regional Action Agenda on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the Western Pacific aims to guide Member States as they embark on SDG implementation. Much progress has already been achieved. Member States can rely on information systems, reporting and coordination arrangements, and policies and programmes that are already in place. Achieving the SDGs also involves significantly new ways of working that go beyond business as usual – and newer roles and capabilities for the health sector in working across government and stakeholders. The action agenda suggests practical actions to achieve the change in mindset that is needed.


 Download Agenda(4.44 MB)


  • WHO, Regional Office for the Western Pacific