Regional Strategy for Universal Health Coverage

Publications - Released in 2015

This Regional Strategy for Universal Health Coverage was unanimously endorsed by the Sixty-Fifth Session of the Regional Committee for South-East Asia (Resolution SEA/RC65/R6) in September 2012. Previously, in May 2012, at the Sixty-fifth World Health Assembly, the Director-General, Dr Margaret Chan announced UHC as a WHO priority for her second term in office (2012-2017).

Countries in the WHO South East Asia Region (SEAR) have made significant contribution to UHC with respect to both conceptual thinking as well as implementation. The focus in NHPSP has been on improving equity in health as the core of UHC. To assist in this effort, this Regional Strategy systematically documents technical issues and international experience as a practical reference to advancing UHC, for both Member States and WHO.



  • World Health Organization (WHO)