A Review of the WHO Country Cooperation Strategy Mongolia 2010–2015 with a View to Extending to 2016

Reviews and Snapshots - Released in 2016

The WHO Country Cooperation Strategy for Mongolia 2010–2015 was developed based on priorities identified in the national Health Sector Strategic Master Plan 2006–2015 (HSSMP) and the Government Action Plan 2008–2012. The CCS was also expected to link country health priorities to the WHO Medium-term Strategic Plan 2008–2013 and the WHO Eleventh General Programme of Work 2006–2015.

Since then, Mongolia has developed rapidly. The country has attained upper-middle income (1) status, poverty is falling and urbanization is accelerating. The health sector is maturing and now faces new challenges associated with economic and social transition. The donor environment has also changed noticeably.


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  • World Health Organization (WHO)