SAARC Regional Strategy on TB/HIV Co-infection (2011-2015)

Publications - Released in 2011

Tuberculosis (TB) and HIV/AIDS are the two major public health problems in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) region. In the field of TB control DOTS strategy has made a remarkable progress, however, emerging HIV epidemic has posed a major challenge to TB control efforts.

This is a revised edition of "SAARC Regional Strategy on TB/HIV Co-infection" which presents an outline of regional strategy focused on areas of collaboration and directed towards the development and implementation of successful programmes for control of TB/HIV co-infection. This document highlights the SAARC regional context and points out major TB, HIV/AIDS and TB/HIV co-infection status and concerns, outlines strategy goal, objectives and expected outcomes. This document also explains the Strategy on the basis of its five different components.


  • South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)