Sexual and Reproductive Health in Early and Later Adolescence DHS Data on Youth Age 10-19

Publications - Released in 2017

Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood when many behaviors and events set the stage for adult health. Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) data are often used to describe adolescents age 15-19 but are infrequently used to examine younger adolescents age 10-14.

This study employs retrospective data from women and men age 15-24—the most recent cohort that experienced adolescence in the 5 years preceding the survey—to investigate health outcomes during the full range of adolescent years from age 10-19. For 52 countries, this study compiles adolescent sexual and reproductive health indicators in the areas of marriage, sexual activity, contraceptive use, fertility, maternal health, and gender-based violence.


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  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID)