Sustainable Social Development in Asia and the Pacific: Towards A People-Centred Transformation

Publications - Released in 2017

To address the mounting social and environmental costs of economic growth, as well as the persistent and growing inequalities, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development pledged to leave no one behind. Asia-Pacific countries should be in a strong position to achieve the transformational 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, but only if they reset their priorities to ensure that everyone shares the fruits of economic growth equally.

This report summarizes the social development gaps and sketches out a broad regional agenda for a people-centred transformation, including some of the key priorities and resources needed. Policy simulations reported here clearly indicate that acceleration of economic growth alone will not address the remaining development gaps. Instead, development strategies need to ensure that economic growth leads to more decent jobs, broadened coverage of social protection, including universal education and health care. This will be critical not only for eliminating extreme poverty and achieving other SDGs, but also for creating more cohesive societies.

Harnessing the potential of its people, Asia and the Pacific can be at the forefront of a global social transformation for a prosperous, inclusive and sustainable future for all.



  • United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)