Thailand Global AIDS Response Progress Report 2015

Publications - Released in 2015

Thailand has joined the commitment to the 2011 UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV to prevent and control the AIDS epidemic and pursue the strategy of 3 Zeroes: (1) Zero HIV new infection; (2) Zero AIDS death; and (3) Zero AIDS stigma and discrimination. The Thailand National Strategic Plan of HIV (2014‐16) has set the 2016 targets to reduce new HIV infection by two‐third, peri‐natal transmission rate less than 2%, AIDS related deaths reduced by half, and discrimination to key populations and people living with HIV reduced by half. The National AIDS Committee (NAC) further approved the policy of ending AIDS epidemic in Thailand by 2030 as the national priority on November 28, 2014, and directed all related agencies at the national and subnational level to mobilize efforts to achieving the objectives. In addition, Thailand has developed key measures and the operational plan for 2015‐19 to support the ending AIDS policy. The measures have applied strategies of test and treat regardless of CD4 level with the focus to most affected areas and populations.
