UN Women 2015: Flagship Programming Initiatives

Publications - Released in 2015

UN Women has developed twelve Flagship Programming Initiatives (FPIs) to further deepen its programming and achieve transformative results for gender equality and women’s empowerment. FPIs are high-impact, scalable programmes that will carry the bulk of UN Women’s growth. They build on and supplement, not replace, UN Women’s ongoing programming work.

All FPIs adopt a human rights-based approach by strengthening the voice of women and girls to remove structural barriers for gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE). Each FPI is guided by international human rights treaties and contributes towards achieving the outcomes and goals articulated in UN Women’s Strategic Plan. Each FPI is based on a comprehensive theory of change (TOC), which articulates the causal linkages and actions required by national, CSOs, UN, ODA and private partners in order to achieve transformative change in the lives of women and girls.

The role of UN Women in each of these partnerships will be context-specific. In some countries, UN Women will focus on creating a coalition for change while in some other it will play a broader operational role.



  • UN Women (United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women)