Women and Sustainable Development Goals: Viet Nam towards 2030

Publications - Released in 2016

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were formally adopted by world leaders at the United Nations Summit for the post-2015 development agenda, held in New York from 25-27 September 2015.

"Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" builds on the Millennium Declaration and Goals, a fifteen year journey that set out to reduce poverty, hunger, disease, gender inequality, and ensure access to water and sanitation by 2015. The Sustainable Development Goals are designed to tackle unfinished MDG business. They go further in tackling the root causes of poverty and inequality, ensuring development that works for all.

The 2030 agenda sets out 17 goals and 169 targets. In addition to Goal 5 to "Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls", gender targets have been set for every goal, tackling the gender dimensions of poverty, hunger, health, education, water and sanitation, employment, safe cities and peace and security. This strong gender focus is a realization that achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls is key to achieving each and every one of the goals.



  • United Nations (UN)