
Displaying results 191 - 200 of 252

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Presentation on The Shifting Winds: What Future for Sustainable Treatment? at Regional Consultation and Planning Workshop “Use of TRIPS Flexibilities to Access Affordable ARVs in Asia” Bangkok 29-31 May 2012.
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Presentation on The TRIPS Plus Enforcement Landscape at Regional Consultation and Planning Workshop “Use of TRIPS Flexibilities to Access Affordable ARVs in Asia” Bangkok 29-31 May 2012
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HIV Testing & Treatment as Prevention in China National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
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Effective 1 January 2012, a revised application and approval process for renewals will be employed to ensure strategic investments, as described in “Options for Modification of the Application, Renewal and Approval Processes for New and Existing Investments,”.
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The Government of Afghanistan took a big step forward in support of women's equality and protection of women's rights when it enacted the Law on the Elimination of Violence against Women (EVAW law) in August 2009. The landmark legislation criminalizes for the first time in Afghanistan child marriage, forced marriage, forced self-immolation and 19 other acts of violence against women including rape, and specifies punishments for perpetrators.  This report examines implementation of the EVAW law by judicial and law enforcement officials throughout Afghanistan for the period of March 2010 to September 2011, and identifies both positive progress and large gaps. The report updates earlier findings on the law's implementation in OHCHR/UNAMA's December 2010 study Harmful Traditional Practices and Implementation of the Law on Elimination of Violence against Women in Afghanistan.
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This is the presentation from BROS Khmer's use of the mobile bus and audio computer-assisted self-interviewing  (ACASI) to conduct an HIV Behavioral Serosurvey among urban men in eight Cambodia cities.
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Since the first detection of HIV in Bangladesh in 1989, the rate of infection has not been increased in comparison to our neighbors. Bangladesh still to be low prevalent country in the region with prevalence < 1% among MARP.
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Behavioral sentinel surveillance (BSS) has been conducted by NCHADS to document behavior changes among sentinel groups since 1997. The objectives of the BSS 2010 are:
  • To document HIV related risk behaviors among selected sentinel groups
  • To track trends in risk behaviors among most at risk groups
  • To explore common practices toward the use of VCT, STI clinics and other health services
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Costab is a database costing tool that introduces a new level of sophistication into HIV costing and analysis.
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-10 Sheet Excel Model - But Just 4 Main Sections -Uses Who Cost Categories- Not Flexible -Simple Unit Cost Calculator- But Big -Model Readily Extendable And Could Be Used, Eg To Calculate The Quantity Of Drug Types -All Pages Rolled Up For Easy Data Control -Dont Have To Use All Model -Companion Model For Costab -Major Benefit- Calculation Of Regimens