Publications on Adolescents

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This information note is intended for use by policy makers, programme managers, and major funders of the health sector response to HIV, in contexts where COVID-19 poses a threat to service continuity for adolescents living with HIV, within national COVID-19 responses. The document succinctly summarizes what we know about COVID-19 risks in this vulnerable population, offers key considerations for safeguarding HIV treatment service continuity, and emphasizes sexual and reproductive health, mental health and psychosocial support as priority needs.
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Get an overview of the HIV/AIDS situation for Adolescents in the Asia-Pacific region.
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The framework was developed by a group of global experts who were convened by UNICEF in June 2019 to advance the collective thinking on pediatric HIV service delivery. The partnership’s analysis of current evidence and specific programme interventions that need to be scaled up to improve the quality of HIV treatment services and reach more infants, children and adolescents with these lifesaving medicines is presented here.
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In many societies, girls are under pressure to marry and bear children early. In low- and middle-income countries, over 30% of girls marry before they are 18 years of age; around 14% before the age of 15. Early marriage generally leads to early child bearing, in accordance with social norms.

In many places girls choose to become pregnant because they have limited educational and employment prospects and given that motherhood is valued, marriage/union and child bearing may be the best of the limited options they have.

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This formative assessment on the needs of adolescents and youth at risk presents the experiences of adolescents and young people including those from key populations and the perspectives of experts working with young people in the four domains: education, parental and peer support, communication and mental health – in relation to HIV risk and prevention, and broader sexual reproductive health rights, including perceived needs, access to and use of services, and barriers and opportunities for young people.

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HIV services for adolescents living with HIV often have limited integration with other adolescent health services such as those for mental health, adolescent sexual and reproductive health. Many adolescents living with HIV therefore continue to receive services that do not meet the explicit principles for providing adolescent-friendly health services: equitable, acceptable, accessible, appropriate and effective. This publication primarily seeks to define and clarify the key elements of adolescent-friendly health services, summarize existing guidance on adolescent-friendly health services and differentiated service delivery for adolescents living with HIV while showcasing best-practice case studies based on country experience in implementing these services.
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Gender Counts, a new, first-of-its-kind review, utilizes quantitative data to provide a comprehensive profile of how gender inequality impacts girls and boys, in the low and middle-income countries in Asia-Pacific. This report focuses on South Asia. The reports describe the effects of gender inequality in the domains of health, education and transition to employment, protection and safe environment.

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This review utilizes national-level quantitative data to provide a comprehensive profile of how gender inequality impacts girls and boys, in low and middle-income countries in East Asia and Southeast Asia. This report describes the effects of gender inequality in the domains of health, education and transition to employment, protection and safe environment.

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This review utilizes national-level quantitative data to provide a comprehensive profile of how gender inequality impacts girls and boys, in low and middle income countries in the Pacific. This report describes the effects of gender inequality in the domains of health, education and transition to employment, protection and safe environment.

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Studies, research and assessment for knowledge generation and evidence-based advocacy have been one of the strengths of the project. It has produced the regional manual for capacity development of young key populations, regional guidance note for CCM, principle recipients to effectively integrate the issues of young key populations in implementation and documentation of the best practice on engagement. Global Fund has recently accomplished its replenishment target of 12.9 b USD and countries have begun to prepare for the concept note development, which is now termed as Funding Request.