Publications on Female Sex Workers (FSW)

Resource | Publications,
While the prevalence of HIV among female sex workers and clients remains inferior to 0.5% as 2008, a survey conducted the same year in Vientiane found 5.5% prevalence of HIV among MSM.
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The extent and possibilities of spread of the HIV epidemic are not fully understood in Pakistan. A survey was conducted among men, women and transgender populations selling sex in Rawalpindi (Punjab) and Abbottabad (North West Frontier Province) in order to inform evidence-based programme planning.
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The article examines the extent to which an existing sex work typology captures human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk in Karnataka and propose a systematic approach for devising evidence-based typologies.
Resource | Fact Sheets,

Facts and Figures about HIV and AIDS Epidemic in Nepal:
- The first HIV infection was detected in 1988 in Nepal. Since then HIV and AIDS epidemic has evolved from low‐ to concentrated among High Risk Groups:
* Injecting Drug Users,  
* Female Sex workers,  
* Men having Sex with Men and
* Seasonal labour Migrants.
-Heterosexual transmission is dominant.
-HIV prevalence in general population is <1%

Resource | Presentations,
The Integrated Bio‐Behavioural Surveillance (IBBS) Survey 2009 presentation provides an estimate of HIV prevalence among three key populations at higher risk in Malaysia: Female Sex Workers, Transsexuals, and IV Drug Users.
Resource | Reviews and Snapshots,
In 2009, the NACP selected Family Health International to provide technical assistance to NACP, PACPs and local organizations for strengthening HIV prevention interventions. One of the deliverables under the technical assistance is this Situation Assessment Report, documenting lessons learned in Pakistan and forming the basis of the design of other studies, strategies and interventions to be carried out under the Technical Assistance.
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A regional discussion on HIV transmission in intimate partner relationships was initiated by UNAIDS through a regional meeting on Women and HIV in Cambodia in July 2006. Subsequently, UNAIDS convened a satellite session at the 8th International Conference on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific at Colombo in August 2007, and some countries started to work on desk reviews.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
The fourth round of Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance (IBBS) Survey among female sex workers (FSWs) was conducted in 2009.
Resource | Publications,
The fourth round of the Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance (IBBS) survey among female sex workers (FSW) in 22 Terai highway districts was launched on February 20, 2009.
Resource | Publications,
Avert Society has been conducting BSS in seven priority districts of the Maharashtra state since 2004 and completed Wave V in 2009.