East Asia: Children and HIV/AIDS - A Call to Action

Publications - Released in 2005

HIV/AIDS has left virtually no country, rich or poor, untouched. The East Asia region is already witnessing some of the world’s fastest growing HIV epidemics. Progress has been made, and leaders are beginning to match words with action. Yet there is much more to be done. Children are the missing face of AIDS, and failure to take account of their critical needs – be it prevention, treatment or care – will undermine the region’s chance of reaching Millennium Development Goals.

The Global Campaign on Children and AIDS seeks to confront these challenges and renew the drive to meet the UNGASS targets as well as those made during the UN Special Session on Children in 2002. By forging a wide-ranging alliance with the governments, international and national partners, along with the civil society, and through leveraging resources, the campaign places children at the heart of the region’s HIV/AIDS response, and thus, contributes to East Asia’s efforts to scale up the response to HIV/AIDS.



  • United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)