Stigma Index Resources

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The global Stigma Index study was designed to address the need for a quantitative recording and analysis of the different levels and types of stigma, as well as changes in trends and with time, to inform evidence-based policy and programmes.
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The PLHIV Stigma Index study in Tamil Nadu is the first of its kind to quantify the stigma and discrimination experienced by people living with HIV in the state. The study was conducted between December 2010 to September 2011 and used a cross sectional design to survey a sample of 1594 people living with HIV.
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In this report, we present the results of the People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Stigma Index Survey conducted in Lao P.D.R. from October 2011-February 2012.
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From 1-23 February 2012, the Asia Pacific Community of Practice on HIV, Gender and Human Rights (HIV-APCoP) held an e-discussion on Key Affected Women and Girls in Asia and the Pacific.
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This report provides findings from the rollout of the People Living with HIV Stigma Index (PLHIV Stigma Index) in nine countries in the Asia/Pacific Region (Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Fiji, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Thailand).
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This project aims to inform the public health response to HIV and sexual health among men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender (Tg) people in Fiji and assist in the development of community-based activities. The research was community-based and the survey data were collected by MSM and Tg community research assistants.
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The present study has been designed to ensure representation of Nepalis living with HIV across the development regions, genders, including the third gender, and various sub-groups of key affected populations, such as FSWs, IDUs and MSM/TG people.
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Stigma and discrimination surrounding HIV/AIDS pose critical barriers to prevention, treatment, care and support programs. There is currently little reliable data or documentation relating to stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV (PLHIV) in Cambodia.
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This People Living with HIV Stigma Index report is a result of a series of consultations with key stakeholders including membership of three networks of HIV positive people, and the National Partnership comprising of UN joint team on AIDS, the National STD & AIDS Control Programme and the Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka.
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For gender comparison, of the stigma index data, the MPG numerators divided their sample allocation evenly by gender of respondents currently living with HIV. For the purpose of this HIV stigma index, all respondents have a status of HIV positive.