Publications on Key Populations
Resource | Publications,
This document highlights the SAARC regional context and points out major TB, HIV/AIDS and TB/HIV co-infection status and concerns, outlines strategy goal, objectives and expected outcomes. This document also explains the Strategy on the basis of its five different components.
Resource | Reviews and Snapshots,
HIV was first detected in 1991 during serological screening of donated blood. Cambodia appears to be experiencing relative success in the fight against HIV. After peaking at approximately 3.3% in 1997-98, HIV prevalence among the adult population aged 15-49 years declined to 1.2% [0.85 - 1.6%] in 2001 and more recently estimated to be 0.5% [0.4-0.8%] in 2009.
Resource | Reviews and Snapshots,
HIV was first identified in an American tourist in 1985 and the first epidemic of HIV infections was detected among drug users in the border regions of China in 1989. china is experiencing a low-prevalence epidemic, although some key regions are experiencing high prevalence epidemics.
Resource | Publications,
In collaboration with various community-based organisations, APN+ conducted a peer-led mixed method research project in six Asian countries to document the range of services available for MSM and transgender people living with HIV and to identify barriers to access and use of these services.